Tuesday, October 6, 2009

more of the art show

Spirit of the Age

there is a lot to see and experience at my art show. so i've added some photos of other views and others viewing.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

pondering labels

No one just glanced casually at the labels
you were compelled to read

reading lables

i loved that people took time to read
the labels....

making labels

markers and pens were strewn across the table
blank labels did not remain empty for long
the table was always crowded with


everyone stopped, stood, stared, and read the labels. talked about them and then of course made their own.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Throughout our lives we get labeled....like it or not.
And we do our fair share of labeling to ourselves as well as others.
We label people, gangs, groups, tribes, cities, streets, sections of towns, music, art, literature, occupations, families, schools, politics, clothes, shoes,.....is there anything we don't attach a label to?

I thought about labels and how they define me. Or do they?

I wanted to know what others thought of labels and started the label project this summer as I traveled across country by train.

My art show titled SPIRIT OF THE AGE opens Oct. 1 at gallery 25 in fresno, ca.
Part of the show is the installation titled LABEL PROJECT 2009
On display are over 300 labels from people willing to share their ideas and make a label.

I will be sharing more about this as many very cool people got involved in the project.

It is my hope to continue and expand the label project to include stories about how labels have affected your life.

Remember name calling is a label.

Share your stories and let us find ways to be kinder to one another, stop labeling that hurts and separates us from others and puts us into categories that are meaningless, heavy on the mean.

I am grateful to the more than 300 label makers who made artful, thoughtful, authentic, honest, and incredible labels.

Photos tomorrow of the label installation.
